Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27, 2007

a sheep with a jet-pack flying directly upwards into clouds. The sheep is the dark center thing, and the smoke from the jetback is the large blotch on my belly.


Jessica said...

i see a glow-worm (on your right) talking to a bull (on your left) with a big snowman in the middle.

Anonymous said...

I see a young noblewoman with her head angled to the left (her hair is in an elaborate up-do and the splotch on your belly is the bustle of her dress). To her right is a bull and to her left (the direction in which she's looking) is a little girl with pigtails reading or playing an instrument beneath a tree. No, seriously, that's what I see...


a sheep with a jet-pack flying directly up into the clouds.